A curettage is a procedure that is most commonly used to treat periodontal disease. It is performed to clean the gum pockets of all the debris that causes periodontitis. More specifically, it involves the removal of tartar and granulation tissue from the root of the tooth, which sometimes cause very intense inflammation.
We perform two types of curettage in our branches:
- open curettage (the dentist cuts the gums and exposes the cervix along with the periodontal bone)
- closed curettage (the doctor cleans the gingival pockets without making any incisions in the gums)
The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia - The Wand.
Gum plasty is a procedure to improve the appearance of the patient's gums; it can improve, among other things, their colour, contour and shape. Gum plasty is most commonly performed when a patient has: asymmetrical gums,
- it is not advisable to brush the treated area for 10 days, it should be avoided during oral hygiene
- It is a good idea to use antibacterial rinses that speed up healing, e.g. Eludril
- listen to your doctor's instructions after surgery
Satisfactory results are usually achieved with the first treatment.