Endodontics, root canal treatment
We offer professional, microscope-assisted and effective root canal treatment
Endodontic treatment, commonly called a root canal treatment, is performed in a specialist dentist surgery in the case of an intractable inflammation of the tooth nerve. .
During the endodontic treatment, the infected nerve and bacteria are removed from the root canal. Proper chemical and mechanical treatment allows to prepare and clean the dental canals very thoroughly.
Effectiveness of the endodontic therapy is high provided that the treatment has been performed thoroughly and specialist procedures have been used. In difficult cases, the root canal therapy is combined with dental surgery (e.g. root apex resection). Therefore, it is so important that the procedure be performed by an experienced dentist. At ODENT Centre, you will find the best dentists in Warsaw, specialising in the root canal treatment.
in ODENT Medical Center
Endodontic microscope
Endodontic therapy is a time-consuming treatment, requiring high skills of the operator, as well as a vast and expensive armamentarium. At our Centre, we use an endodontic microscope with a camera, which significantly increases precision of the treatment. The microscope is also used to remove old fillings or broken pieces of endodontic tools from root canals.
Endodontic instruments
During the endodontic treatment it is very important to estimate the exact length of the root canal. At ODENT Centre, we do that with the use of an endometer, a device allowing for an electronic measurement of the root canal length.
The second condition essential for the success of the endodontic treatment is a very thorough filling of the root canals, both the main ones as well as the lateral canals, often invisible or with difficult access.
Root canal treatment with laser
Root canal treatment at the ODENT Medical Centre has been enhanced by modern laser technology, which allows even more effective and safer cleaning of root canals. The laser removes bacteria and tissue debris from places where traditional tools cannot access, minimising the risk of complications and speeding up healing. Thanks to its precision, treatment is less invasive and patients feel more comfortable both during and after the procedure.
Odent Medical Center
An X-ray of the affected tooth is taken prior to and after the root canal treatment in order to verify:
- the number of root canals is checked before treatment
- the presence of inflammatory lesions in the periapical tissues of the tooth is checked before treatment
- after treatment, the correctness of the root canal treatment is verified and the correctness of the canal filling is assessed
Stages of
the root canal therapy:
Anaesthetization of the tooth area.
A dental dam is put over the tooth to protect it from saliva and isolate from the rest of the teeth. A dental dam is a thin sheet of natural latex rubber with a whole through which the affected tooth protrudes.
The pulp chamber is opened and the dead or infected pulp is thoroughly removed from the inside.
The length of the canals is estimated with the use of an endometer – an instrument allowing for an electronic measurement of the root canals.
The canals are cleaned mechanically/manually by means of special endodontic instruments. During that stage, all the pulp is taken out from the root canals and bacteria toxins are removed from the dentinal tubules, thanks to which the widened canal is correctly prepared for filling in. The instruments used to clean the canals are specially designed to safely clear even curved canals and reshape them into a cone. The conical shape is necessary to fill in the canals properly. The most popular filling material is gutta-percha.
Filling in the canals. After the canals have been cleaned, reshaped and dried thoroughly, a dentist fills in the canal space. That stage is aimed to seal the entire root canal with a biocompatible material. Then, the doctor takes an X-ray image of the tooth to check if the therapy has been performed correctly, i.e. if the canals have been filled in tightly.
Once the canals have been filled, the dentist takes an X-ray of the tooth to check that the root canal treatment has been carried out correctly: to assess the correctness and tightness of the canal filling
Tooth restoration. After the endodontic therapy has been completed, the dentist restores the crown of your tooth by means of a composite filling or proposes prosthetic restoration: a post and core (a post inserted into one of the canals for crown support), and a prosthetic crown.
from root canal treatment
Frequently asked questions
1.Is the root canal therapy painful?
The root canal therapy is completely painless as it is performed under computer-controlled local anaesthesia – THE WAND.
2. How long does the therapy take?
The endodontic therapy with the use of a microscope takes ca. 1.5—2 hours, depending on the number of the treated root canals.
3. Is one visit enough to complete the root canal therapy?
Usually we manage to complete the entire therapy during one visit. However, more complicated cases may require two visits.
Our doctors
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- Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 8:00 - 15:00
- st. Grzybowska 85
00-844 Warsaw